姓 名 何赛灵
1992年初获瑞典皇家工学院工学博士学位, 之后留瑞典皇家工学院任助理教授、副教授和正教授。是浙江大学光及电磁波研究中心的创立者,中 瑞联合光子研究中心(JORCEP)主任。 是IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)Fellow, 美国光学学会 (Optical Society of America)会 士(Fellow), 国际光学工程学会(SPIE) 会士。
何 赛灵教授主要从事先进光电技术研究,具体包括亚波长微纳光子学, 光 纤光波技术,电 磁波应用等领域的研究,发表了400多 篇为SCI检 索的国际期刊(包括许多高影响因子期刊)文章。近两年来他的论文被SCI引 用超过千次/年, 并著有一本国际专著 (英 国牛津科学出版社出版;第一作者)。
Prof. Sailing He is currently the Director for the Sino-Swedish Joint Research Center of Photonics (JORCEP). After receiving his Ph.D. degree from the Royal Institute of Technology, he has worked at the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden) as an assistant professor, an associate professor, and a full professor. Prof. He’s main research interest includes sub-wavelength photonics, fiber-based lightwave technologies, electromagnetic waves and applications. He has first-authored one monograph (Oxford University Press) and authored/co-authored over 400 papers in refereed international journals. Prof. He has served as General Chair (or Co-chair) for a number of international conferences, as well as in Steering Committee, Scientific Advisory Board or Technical Program Committee for numerous international congress/conferences and journals. Prof. He is a Fellow of IEEE, OSA (Optical Society of America) and SPIE (International Society for Optical Engineering), and serves as co-editor-in-chief of Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER) (make a hyper link to http://www.jpier.org/PIER/ ), in editorial board of "Laser & Photonics Reviews", "Scientific Reports", and "Electronics Letters".
List of papers with times of citation
邮箱 sailing@zju.edu.cn
电话 0571-88206525 (o), 88206513 (secretary). 0571-88206512 (fax)
l 先进光子学与电磁波应用
Book (monograph) and book translation/review/forward:
- Sailing He, Staffan Ström, and Vaughan H. Weston, Time Domain Wave-Splittings and Inverse Problems, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998 (411 pages; ISBN 0198565496).
- Sailing He and Daoxin Dai, Micro-/Nano-integrated Photonics, Science Press, 2010 (ISBN 9787030270542; in Chinese)
- Translated into Chinese the following book: Paras N. Prasad, Introduction to Biophotonics. (John Wiley and Sons, 2003). Chinese edition was published by Zhejiang University Press (2006)
- Book review published in ChemPhysChem, vol. 8, 618-619, 2007.
- Xin Hu and Sailing He, “Compact Dual-band Rat-Race Coupler Based on a Composite Right/Left Handed Transmission Line,” book chapter in “Metamaterials and Plasmonics: Fundamentals, Modelling and Applications” (eds. S. Zouhdi, A. Sihvola and A.Vinogradov), Springer, 2008
Articles (in English) in refereed international journals, authored or co-authored by Sailing He:
- Bao, Fanglin; Luo, Bin; He, Sailing, “First-order correction to the Casimir force within an inhomogeneous medium”, Physical Review A, Vol. 91, Issue 6, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.91.063810, June 9, 2015

- Chen, Sitao; Fu, Xin; Wang, Jian; Shi, Yaocheng; He, Sailing; Dai, Daoxin, “Compact Dense Wavelength-Division (De)multiplexer Utilizing a Bidirectional Arrayed-Waveguide Grating Integrated With a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, Issue 11, 2279-2285, June 1, 2015

- Chen, Sitao; Shi, Yaocheng; He, Sailing; Dai, Daoxin, “Compact monolithically-integrated hybrid (de)multiplexer based on silicon-on-insulator nanowires for PDM-WDM systems”, Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 10, 12840-12849, 2015

- Dai, Daoxin Wang, Jian Chen, Sitao Wang, Shipeng He, Sailing, “Monolithically integrated 64-channel silicon hybrid demultiplexer enabling simultaneous wavelength- and mode-division-multiplexing”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, Vol. 9, Issue 3, 339-344, April 30, 2015

- Ding, Fei; Wang, Zhuoxian; He, Sailing; Shalaev, Vladimir M.; Kildishev, Alexander V., “Broadband High-Efficiency Half-Wave Plate: A Supercell-Based Plasmonic Metasurface Approach”, Acs Nano, Vol. 9, Issue 4, 4111-4119, March 20, 2015

- Ding, Fei; Mo, Lei; Zhu, Jianfei; He, Sailing, “Lithography-free, broadband, omnidirectional, and polarization-insensitive thin optical absorber”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 106, Issue 6, DOI: 10.1063/1.4908182, Feb. 11, 2015

- Dong, Yongjiang; Lu, Hao; Yong, Zhengdong; Yan, Chunsheng; He, Sailing, “Fast two-dimensional fluorescence correlation spectroscopy technique for tea quality detection”, Applied Optics, Vol. 54, Issue 23, 7032-7036, Aug 10, 2015

- Dong, Yongjiang; Chen, Jian; Luo, Longqiang; Forsberg, Erik; He, Sailing; Yan, Chunsheng, “Modeling and implementation of a fiber-based quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy system”, Applied Optics, Vol. 54, Issue 13, 4202-4206, May 1, 2015

- Fu, Xin; Cheng, Jianxin; Huang, Qiangsheng; Hu, Yingtao; Xie, Weiqiang; Tassaert, Martijn; Verbist, Jochem; Ma, Keqi; Zhang, Jianhao; Chen, Kaixuan; Zhang, Chenzhao; Shi, Yaocheng; Bauwelinck, Johan; Roelkens, Gunther; Liu, Liu; He, Sailing, “5 x 20 Gb/s heterogeneously integrated III-V on silicon electro-absorption modulator array with arrayed waveguide grating multiplexer”, Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 14, 18686-18693, Jul 13, 2015

- Gong, Yu; Hong, Xuezhi; Lu, Yang; He, Sailing; Chen, Jiajia, “Passive optical interconnects at top of the rack: offering high energy efficiency for datacenters”, Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 6, 7957-7970, Mar 23, 2015

- He, Sailing; Sun, Fei; Guo, Shuwei; Zhong, Shuomin; Lan, Lu; Jiang, Wei; Ma, Yungui; Wu, Tiantain, “Can Maxwell's Fish Eye Lens Really Give Perfect Imaging? Part III. A Careful Reconsideration of the "Evidence for Subwavelength Imaging with Positive Refraction"”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier, Vol. 15, 1-15, 2015

- Huang, Qiangsheng; Ma, Keqi; He, Sailing, “Experimental Demonstration of Single Mode-Splitting in Microring With Bragg Gratings”, Ieee Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 27, Issue 13, 1402-1405, Jul 1, 2015

- Huang, Qiangsheng; Cheng, Jianxin; Liu, Liu; Tang, Yongbo; He, Sailing, “Ultracompact tapered coupler for the Si/III-V heterogeneous integration”, Applied Optics, Vol. 54, Issue 14, 4327-4332, May 10, 2015

- Kou, Pengfei; Yang, Liu; Chi, Kequn; He, Sailing,” Large-area and uniform transparent electrodes fabricated by polymethylmethacrylate-assisted spin-coating of silver nanowires on rigid and flexible substrates”, Optical Materials Express, Vol. 5, Issue 10, 2347-2358, Oct 1,2015

- Li, Borui; He, Yingran; He, Sailing, “Investigation of light trapping effect in hyperbolic metamaterial slow-light waveguides”, Applied Physics Express, Vol. 8, Issue 8, Jul 13, 2015

- Li, Kanghui; Zhao, Xinyuan; Zhai, Yixing; Chen, Guangdi; Lee, El-Hang; He, Sailing, “A Study on the Biocompatibility of Surface-Modified Au/Ag Alloyed Nanobox Particles in Zebrafish in Terms of Mortality Rate, Hatch Rate and Imaging of Particle Distribution Behavior”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier, Vol. 150, 89-96, 2015

- Li, Kanghui; Wang, Yalun; Cai, Fuhong; Yu, Jiaxin; Wang, Shaowei; Zhu, Zhenfeng; Chu, Liliang; Zhang, Hequn; Qian, Jun; He, Sailing, “Nonlinear optical properties of Au/Ag alloyed nanoboxes and their applications in both in vitro and in vivo bioimaging under long-wavelength femtosecond laser excitation”, Rsc Advances, Vol. 5, Issue 4, 2851-2856, 2015

- Li, Ying; Yan, Guofeng; Zhang, Liang; He, Sailing, “Microfluidic flowmeter based on micro "hot-wire" sandwiched Fabry-Perot interferometer”, Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 6, 9483-9493, April 6, 2015

- Li, Ying; Zhou, Bin; Zhang, Liang; He, Sailing, “Tunable Fabry-Perot filter in cobalt doped fiber formed by optically heated fiber Bragg gratings pair”, Optics Communications, Vol. 344, 156-160, January 14, 2015

- 245.Lin, Hongze; Lou, Xiutao; Zhong, Weijia; He, Sailing, “Continuous monitoring of elemental mercury employing low-cost multimode diode lasers”, Measurement Science & Technology, Vol. 26, Issue 8, DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/26/8/085501, July 2, 2015

- Lin, Jiao; Zhang, Yuan; Lee, EI-Hang; He, Sailing, “A triple-resonance Raman chip for simultaneous enhancement of Stokes and anti-Stokes lines utilizing both localized and non-localized plasmonic resonance”, Journal of Optics, Vol. 17, Issue 10, DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/17/10/105001, August 21, 2015

- Lin, Jiao; Huang, Lujun; Yu, Yiling; He, Sailing; Cao, Linyou, “Deterministic phase engineering for optical Fano resonances with arbitrary lineshape and frequencies”, Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 15, 19154-19165, July 27, 2015 (浙大非第一)

- Liu, Qi; Zhang, Shuai; He, Sailing, “Compact printed two dipole array antenna with a high front-back ratio for ultra-high-frequency radio-frequency identification handheld reader applications”, Iet Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 9, Issue 1, 73-78, DOI:10.1049/iet-map.2014.0341, August 19, 2015

- Liu, Yichao; Yuan, Jun; Yin, Ge; He, Sailing; Ma, Yungui, “Controlling the plasmonic surface waves of metallic nanowires by transformation optics”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 107, Issue 1, DOI: 10.1063/1.4926332, July 6, 2015
Mo, Lei; Yang, Liu; Lee, El Hang; He, Sailing, “High-Efficiency Plasmonic Metamaterial Selective Emitter Based on an Optimized Spherical Core-Shell Nanostructure for Planar Solar Thermophotovoltaics”, Plasmonics, Vol. 10, Issue 3, 529-538, 2015
Qian, Jun; Zhu, Zhenfeng; Qin, Anjun; Qin, Wei; Chu, Liliang; Cai, Fuhong; Zhang, Hequn; Wu, Qiong; Hu, Rongrong; Tang, Ben; Zhong He, Sailing, “High-Order Non-Linear Optical Effects in Organic Luminogens with Aggregation-Induced Emission”, Advanced Materials, Vol. 27, Issue 14, 2332-2339, Apr. 8, 2015
Qian, Jun; Zhu, Zhenfeng; Leung, Chris Wai Tung; Xi, Wang; Su, Liling; Chen, Guangdi; Qin, Anjun; Tang, Ben Zhong; He, Sailing, “Long-term two-photon neuroimaging with a photostable AIE luminogen”, Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 6, Issue 4, 1477-1486, APR. 1, 2015
Sun, Fei; He, Sailing, “Homogenous Optic-Null Medium Performs as Optical Surface Transformation”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier, Vol. 151, 169-173, 2015
Sun, Fei; He, Sailing, “Optical Surface Transformation: Changing the optical surface by homogeneous optic-null medium at will”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, DOI: 10.1038/srep16032, October 30, 2015
Sun, Fei; He, Sailing, “Superposition of DC magnetic fields by cascading multiple magnets in magnetic loops”, Aip Advances, Vol. 5, Issue 9, DOI: 10.1063/1.4931949, Sep. 24, 2015
Sun, Yaoran; Evans, Julian; Ding, Fei; Liu, Nan; Liu, Wen; Zhang, Yuan; He, Sailing, “Bendable, ultra-black absorber based on a graphite nanocone nanowire composite structure”, Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 15, 20115-20123, July 27, 2015
Sun, Yaoran; Evans, Julian; Ding, Fei; Wang, Shaowei; Mo, Lei; He, Sailing, “Patterning of graphite nanocones for broadband solar spectrum absorption”, Aip Advances, Vol. 5, Issue 6, DOI: 10.1063/1.4922894, June 19, 2015
Wang, Nan; Evans, Julian S.; Liu, Qingkun; Wang, Shaowei; Khoo, Iam-Choon; He, Sailing, “Electrically controllable self-assembly for radial alignment of gold nanorods in liquid crystal droplets”, Optical Materials Express, Vol. 5, Issue 5, 1065-1070, May 1, 2015
Wang, Nan; Evans, Julian S.; Mei, Ju; Zhang, Jianhao; Khoo, Iam-Choon; He, Sailing, “Lasing properties of a cholesteric liquid crystal containing aggregation-induced-emission material”, Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 26, 33938-33946, DEC 28, 2015
Wang, Shaowei; Xi, Wang; Cai, Fuhong; Zhao, Xinyuan; Xu, Zhengping; Qian, Jun; He, Sailing, “Three-Photon Luminescence of Gold Nanorods and Its Applications for High Contrast Tissue and Deep In Vivo Brain Imaging”, Theranostics, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 251-266, January 1, 2015
Wu, Shengnan; Yan, Guofeng; Zhou, Bin; Lee, El-Hang; He, Sailing, “Open-Cavity Fabry-Perot Interferometer Based on Etched Side-Hole Fiber for Microfluidic Sensing”, Ieee Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 27, Issue 17, 1813-1816, Sep. 1, 2015
Xu, Bo Zhang, Shuai Liu, Yusha Hu, Jun He, Sailing, “Compact broadband circularly polarised slot antenna for universal UHF RFID readers”, Electronics Letters, Vol. 51, Issue 11, 808-809, May 28, 2015
Yan, Guofeng; Liang, Yanhong; Lee, El-Hang; He, Sailing, “Novel Knob-integrated fiber Bragg grating sensor with polyvinyl alcohol coating for simultaneous relative humidity and temperature measurement”, Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 12, 15624-15634, June 15, 2015
Yang, Liu; Mo, Lei; Chen, Tuo; Forsberg, Erik; He, Sailing, “A checkerboard selective absorber with excellent spectral selectivity”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 118, Issue 18, DOI: 10.1063/1.4935280, Nov. 9, 2015
Yang, Liu; Kou, Pengfei; Shen, Jianqi; Lee, El Hang; He, Sailing, “Proposal of a broadband, polarization-insensitive and high-efficiency hot-carrier schottky photodetector integrated with a plasmonic silicon ridge waveguide”, Journal of Optics, Vol. 17, Issue 12, DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/17/12/125010,Nov. 15, 2015
Yong, Zhengdong; Zhang, Senlin; Dong, Yongjiang; He, Sailing, “Broadband Nanoantennas for Plasmon Enhanced Fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopies”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier, Vol. 153, 123-131, 2015
Yu, Jiaxin; Sun, Xianhe; Cai, Fuhong; Zhu, Zhenfeng; Qin, Anjun; Qian, Jun; Tang, Benzhong; He, Sailing, “Low photobleaching and high emission depletion efficiency: the potential of AIE luminogen as fluorescent probe for STED microscopy”, Optics Letters, Vol. 40, Issue 10, 2313-2316, May 11, 2015
Zhang, Yuan; Sun, Xianhe; Liu, Wen; Lee, El-Hang; He, Sailing, “Improved properties of gold nanorods coated with thin multilayer of small organic molecules by fast and facile method for surface enhanced Raman scattering”, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 47, Issue 8, 2759-2766, March 31, 2015
Zhang, Yebin; Yan, Guofeng; Zhou, Bin; Lee, El-Hang; He, Sailing, “Reflective Optical Fiber Refractometer Based on Long-Period Grating Tailored Active Bragg Grating”, Ieee Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 27, Issue 11, 1173-1176, June 1, 2015
Zheng, Jiajiu; Yu, Longhai; He, Sailing; Dai, Daoxin, “Tunable pattern-free graphene nanoplasmonic waveguides on trenched silicon substrate”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, DOI: 10.1038/srep07987, January 23, 2015
Zhu, Jianfei; Jiang, Wei; Liu, Yichao; Yin, Ge; Yuan, Jun; He, Sailing; Ma, Yungui, “Three-dimensional magnetic cloak working from d.c. to 250 kHz”, Nature Communications, Vol. 6, DOI:10.1038/ncomms9931, Nov. 24, 2015
Zhu, Zhenfeng; Leung, Chris W. T;. Zhao, Xinyuan; Wang, Yalun; Qian, Jun; Tang, Ben Zhong; He, Sailing, “Using AIE Luminogen for Longterm and Low-background Three-Photon Microscopic Functional Bioimaging”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, DOI: 10.1038/srep15189, Oct. 15, 2015
L. Yu, J. Zheng, Y. Xu, D. Dai and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Local and Non local Optically Induced Transparency Effects in Graphene–Silicon Hybrid Nanophotonic Integrated Circuits”, ACS Nano, 8(11), 11386-11393, (2014)(IF: 12.033)
F. Ding, Y. Jin, B. Li, H. Cheng, L. Mo and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Ultrabroadband strong light absorption based on thin multilayered metamaterials”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 8(6), 946-953, (2014)(IF: 9.313)
Y. Ma, Y. Liu, M. Raza, Y. Wang, and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Experimental Demonstration of a Multiphysics Cloak: Manipulating Heat Flux and Electric Current Simultaneously”, Physical Review Letters, 113(20), 205501, (2014)(IF: 7.328)
F. Cai, J. Yu, J. Qian, Y. Wang, Z. Chen, J. Huang, Z. Ye and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Use of tunable second-harmonic signal from KNbO3 nanoneedles to find optimal wavelength for deep-tissue imaging”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 8(6), 865-874, (2014).(IF: 9.313)
F. Cai, Sailing He, “Electric Field Monte Carlo Simulation of Focused Stimulated Emission Depletion Beam, Radially and Azimuthally Polarized Beams for in Vivo Deep Bioimaging”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19(1), 011022-011022, (2014). (IF: 2.752)
Y. Dong, X. Liu, L. Mei, C. Feng, C. Yan and Sailing He (corresponding author), “LED-Induced Fluorescence System for Tea Classification and Quality Assessment”, Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 137, 95-100, (2014). (IF: 2.576)
D. Wang, J. Qian, W. Qin, A. Qin, B. Tang and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Biocompatible and Photostable Aie Dots with Red Emission for in Vivo Two-Photon Bioimaging”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 4:4279, (2014). (IF: 5.078)
J. Wang, Sailing He and D. Dai, “On-Chip Silicon 8-Channel Hybrid (De) Multiplexer Enabling Simultaneous Mode-and Polarization-Division-Multiplexing”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 8(2), L18-L22, (2014). (IF: 9.313)
L. Yang, G. Somesfalean and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Laser absorption spectroscopy of oxygen confined in highly porous hollow sphere xerogel”, Optics Express, 22(3), 2584-2594, (2014). (IF: 3.525)
G. Ye, W. Yang, L. Jiang and Sailing He, “Surface Plasmon Resonance Phase-Sensitive Imaging (Spr-Pi) Sensor Based on a Novel Prism Phase Modulator”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER, Vol. 145, 309-318, (2014).
S. Zhong, Y. Ma and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Perfect absorption in ultrathin anisotropic epsilon-near-zero metamaterials”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 105, 023504, (2014). (IF: 3.515)
Sailing He, F. Ding, L. Mo and F. Bao, “Light absorber with an ultra-broad flat band based on multi-sized slow-wave hyperbolic metamaterial thin-films”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier, Vol. 147, 69–79, (2014).
T. Chen and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Frequency-tunable circular polarization beam splitter using a graphene-dielectric sub-wavelength film”, Optics Express, 22(16), 19748-19757, (2014). (IF: 3.525)
X. Ge, Sailing He (corresponding author), “Experimental realization of an open cavity”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 4, (2014). (IF: 5.078)
Y. Cui, Y. He, Y. Jin, F. Ding, L. Yang, Y. Ye, S. Zhong, Y. Lin and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Plasmonic and Metamaterial Structures as Electromagnetic Absorbers”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 8(4), 495-520, (2014). (IF: 9.313)
J. Lin, Y. Zhang, J. Qian and Sailing He (corresponding author), “A nano-plasmonic chip for simultaneous sensing with dual-resonance surface-enhanced Raman scattering and localized surface plasmon resonance”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 8(4), 610-616, (2014). (IF: 9.313)
F. Sun, Sailing He (corresponding author), “Extending the scanning angle of a phased array antenna by using a null-space medium”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 4, (2014). (IF: 5.078)
F. Sun, Sailing He (corresponding author), “Transformation magneto-statics and illusions for magnets”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 4, (2014). (IF: 5.078)
K. Liu, W. Jiang, F. Sun and Sailing He, “Experimental Realization of Strong DC Magnetic Enhancement with Transformation Optics”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier, Vol. 146, 187-194, (2014).
B. Zhou, Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, S. Gao and Sailing He, “Active Fiber Gas Sensor for Methane Detecting Based on a Laser Heated Fiber Bragg Grating”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26(11), 1041-1135, (2014). (IF: 2.176)
Q. Zhan, J. Qian, Sailing He (corresponding author), et al, “Using 915-nm laser excited Tm3+/Er3+/Ho3+ doped NaYbF4 upconversion nanoparticles for in vitro and deeper in vivo bioimaging without overheating irradiation”, ACS Nano, 5(5), 3744-3757, (2011). (IF: 9.855)
J. Qian, L. Jiang, F. Cai, D. Wang and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Fluorescence-Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Co-functionalized Gold Nanorods as Near-infrared Probes for Purely Optical In vivo Imaging” Biomaterials, 32, 1601-1610, (2011). (IF: 7.882)
Sailing He, Yingran He , Yi Jin, “Revealing the truth about ‘trapped rainbow’ storage of light in metamaterials”, Scientific Report, 2, 583; DOI:10.1038/srep00583 (2012)
J. Qian, D. Wang, Fu-Hong Cai, Wang Xi, Li Peng, Zhen-Feng Zhu, Hao He, Ming-Lie Hu, Sailing He (corresponding author), “Observation of Multiphoton-induced Fluorescence from Nano Graphene Oxide and Its Applications in In vivo Functional Bioimaging”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, doi: 10.1002/anie.201206107. (IF=13.455)
Zhang AP, Qu X, Soman P, Hribar KC, Lee JW, Chen S, He S, “Rapid Fabrication of Complex 3D Extracellular Microenvironments Using Dynamic Optical Projection Stereolithography," Advanced Materials, Volume 24, Issue 31, pages 4266–4270, August 16, 2012. (IF=13.877)
Y. Cui, K. H. Fung, J. Xu, H. Ma, Y. Jin, S, He, and N. X. Fang,, “Ultrabroadband Light Absorption by a Sawtooth Anisotropic Metamaterial Slab”, Nano Letters, 2012, 12 (3), pp 1443–1447. (IF=12.219)
Qingkun Liu, Bodan Senyuk, Jianwei Tang, Taewoo Lee, Jun Qian, Sailing He, Ivan .I. Smalyukh, “Plasmonic Complex Fluids of Nematic-like and Helicoidal Self-Assemblies of Gold Nanorods with a Negative Order Parameter”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 088301, 2012. (IF=7.621)
J. Qian, S. He (corresponding author), et. al, “Photosensitizer Encapsulated Organically Modified Silica Nanoparticles for Direct Two-photon Photodynamic Therapy and In Vivo Functional Imaging”, Biomaterials,33(19), pp. 4851-4860, June 2012. (IF=7.882)
Daoxin Dai , Liu Liu , Shiming Gao , Dan-Xia Xu, and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Polarization Management for Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits“, Laser & Photonics Reviews, doi: 10.1002/lpor.2012000232012, 2012. (IF= 7.388)
L. Yang, L. Mo. Y. Okuno, and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Optimal design of ultra-broadband, omnidirectional, polarization-insensitive amorphous silicon solar cells with a core-shell nanograting structure,” Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 2012. (IF=6.407)
Yuan Zhang, Jun Qian, Dan Wang, Yalun Wang and Sailing He (corresponding author), “Multifunctional Gold Nanorods with Ultra-High Stability and Tunability for In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging, SERS Detection and Photodynamic Therapy”, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. (in press). (IF=13.455)
Ye, YQ; Jin, Y; He, SL, “Omnidirectional, polarization-insensitive and broadband thin absorber in the terahertz regime”, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B, 27 (3): 498-504, 2010
Jianwei Tang and Sailing He, “A Novel Structure for Double Negative NIMs towards UV Spectrum with High FOM”, Optics Express, Vol. 18, Issue 24, pp. 25256-25263, 2010
J. Qian, Y. Wang, X. Gao, Q. Zhan, Z. Xu and S. He (invited paper), “Carboxyl-functionalized and Bio-conjugated Silica-coated Quantum Dots as Targeting Probes for Cell Imaging,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(3), 1668-1675, 2010
Wang ZC, Tang YB, Wosinski L, et al., “Experimental Demonstration of a High Efficiency Polarization Splitter Based on a One-Dimensional Grating With a Bragg Reflector Underneath”, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 22(21): 1568-1570, NOV 1 2010
Zhou B, Yan CS, Guan ZG, et al., “Low Coherent Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry Interrogates Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors”, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 28(21): 3409-3414, NOV 1 2010
Liu J, Zeng DD, Guo CJ, et al., “OCDMA PON supporting ONU inter-networking based on gain-switched Fabry-Perot lasers with external dual-wavelength injection”, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 18, Iss. 22: 22982-22987, OCT 25 2010
Wang BW, Dundar MA, Notzel R, et al., “Photonic crystal slot nanobeam slow light waveguides for refractive index sensing”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 97(15), 151105, OCT 11 2010
F. Sun and Sailing He, “CAN MAXWELL'S FISH EYE LENS REALLY GIVE PERFECT IMAGING?”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 108, 307-322, 2010
Zhang SA, Khan SN, He SL, “Reducing Mutual Coupling for an Extremely Closely-Packed Tunable Dual-Element PIFA Array Through a Resonant Slot Antenna Formed In-Between”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, 58(8): 2771-2776, AUG 2010
Zhang, P; Lobet, M; He, SL, “Carpet cloaking on a dielectric half-space”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 18 (17): 18158-18163 AUG 16 2010
Jin, Y; Zhang, P; He, SL, “Abnormal enhancement of electric field inside a thin permittivity-near-zero object in free space”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 82 (7): Art. No. 075118 AUG 11 2010
Jin, Y; He, SL, “Enhancing and suppressing radiation with some permeability-near-zero structures”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 18 (16): 16587-16593 AUG 2 2010
Dai, DX; Fu, X; Shi, YC; He, SL, “Experimental demonstration of an ultracompact Si-nanowire-based reflective arrayed-waveguide grating (de)multiplexer with photonic crystal reflectors”, OPTICS LETTERS, 35 (15): 2594-2596 AUG 1 2010
Hong, XZ; Wang, DW; Xu, L; He, SL, “Demonstration of optical steganography transmission using temporal phase coded optical signals with spectral notch filtering”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 18 (12): 12415-12420 JUN 7 2010
Gao, Y; Dai, YH; Shu, C; He, SL, “Wavelength Interchange of Phase-Shift-Keying Signal”, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 22 (11): 838-840 JUN 1 2010
J. Qian, T. Fu, Q. Zhan and S. He (invited review paper), “Using Some Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents for Optical Bio-imaging,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16 (3): 672-684 MAY-JUN 2010
Qian, J; Fu, T; Zhan, QQ; He, SL, “Using Some Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents for Optical Bioimaging”, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 16 (3): 672-684 MAY-JUN 2010
Ye, YQ; He, S, “90 degrees polarization rotator using a bilayered chiral metamaterial with giant optical activity”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 96 (20): Art. No. 203501 MAY 17 2010
Liu, QK; Cui, YX; Gardner, D; Li, X; He, SL; Smalyukh, II, “Self-Alignment of Plasmonic Gold Nanorods in Reconfigurable Anisotropic Fluids for Tunable Bulk Metamaterial Applications”, NANO LETTERS, 10 (4): 1347-1353 APR 2010
Tang, YB; Wang, Z; Wosinski, L; Westergren, U; He, SL, “Highly efficient nonuniform grating coupler for silicon-on-insulator nanophotonic circuits”, OPTICS LETTERS, 35 (8): 1290-1292 APR 15 2010
Liu, J; Lu, Y; Guo, CJ; Hong, XZ; Xu, L; He, SL, “Demonstration of Low-Cost Uplink Transmission in a Coherent OCDMA PON Using Gain-Switched Fabry-Perot Lasers With External Injection”, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 22 (8): 583-585 APR 15 2010
Zhang, P; Jin, Y; He, SL, “Inverse Transformation Optics and Reflection Analysis for Two-Dimensional Finite-Embedded Coordinate Transformation”, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 16 (2): 427-432 MAR-APR 2010
Ye, YQ; Jin, Y; He, SL, “Omnidirectional, polarization-insensitive and broadband thin absorber in the terahertz regime”, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, 27 (3): 498-504 MAR 2010
Jin, Y; Zhang, P; He, SL, “Squeezing electromagnetic energy with a dielectric split ring inside a permeability-near-zero metamaterial”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 81 (8): Art. No. 085117 FEB 2010
Sheng, Z; Liu, L; Brouckaert, J; He, SL; Van Thourhout, D, “InGaAs PIN photodetectors integrated on silicon-on-insulator waveguides”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 18 (2): 1756-1761 JAN 18 2010
Sailing He, et al. (review article) “Enhance transmission and harvest light with nano-antennas and metamaterials,” Materials Today (IF=12.9), vol. 12, no. 12, 16-24, 2009
Zhang, Y; Jin, Y; Xue, W; He S (invited), “Polarization-independent 2D omni-directional photonic band gaps in a 1D periodic metal-dielectric (anisotropic) structure”, WAVES IN RANDOM AND COMPLEX MEDIA, 19 (1): 39-48 2009
Zhang, SA; Ying, ZN; Xiong, J; He, SL, “Ultrawideband MIMO/Diversity Antennas With a Tree-Like Structure to Enhance Wideband Isolation”, IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS 81279-1282 2009
Jiang, M; Zhang, AP; Wang, YC; Tam, HY; He, SL, “Fabrication of a compact reflective long-period grating sensor with a cladding-mode-selective fiber end-face mirror”, OPTICS EXPRESS 17 (20): 17976-17982 2009
Xiong, J; Li, H; Jin, Y; He, SL, “Modified TM020 Mode of a Rectangular Patch Antenna Partially Loaded With Metamaterial for Dual-Band Applications”, IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS 81006-1009 2009
Dai, DX; He, SL, “A silicon-based hybrid plasmonic waveguide with a metal cap for a nano-scale light confinement”, OPTICS EXPRESS 17 (19): 16646-16653 2009
Cui, YX; He, SL, “Enhancing extraordinary transmission of light through a metallic nanoslit with a nanocavity antenna”, OPTICS LETTERS, 34 (1): 16-18, 2009
Zhu, N; Song, J; Wosinski, L; He SL, Thylen L, “Experimental demonstration of a cross-order echelle grating triplexer based on an amorphous silicon nanowire platform”, OPTICS LETTERS, 34 (3): 383-385, 2009
Cui, YX; He, SL, “A theoretical re-examination of giant transmission of light through a metallic nano-slit surrounded with periodic grooves”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 17 (16): 13995-14000 AUG 3 2009
Wang, BW; Jin, Y; He, SL, “Effects of disorder in a photonic crystal on the extraction efficiency of a light-emitting diode”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 106 (1): Art. No. 014508 JUL 1 2009
Chen, DR; Liu, WS; Jiang, M ; He, SL, “High-Resolution Strain/Temperature Sensing System Based on a High-Finesse Fiber Cavity and Time-Domain Wavelength Demodulation”, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 27 (13): 2477-2481 JUL 1 2009
Wang, ZC; Zhu, N; Tang, YB; Wosinski, L; Dai, DX; He, SL, “Ultracompact low-loss coupler between strip and slot waveguides”, OPTICS LETTERS, 34 (10): 1498-1500 MAY 15 2009
Ye YQ, Jin Y, He SL, “Light wheel confined in a purely dielectric composite waveguide”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 17(6), 4348-4354, MAR 16, 2009
Hu, R; Yong, KT; Roy, I; Ding H; He S; Prasad PN, “Metallic Nanostructures as Localized Plasmon Resonance Enhanced Scattering Probes for Multiplex Dark-Field Targeted Imaging of Cancer Cells”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 113 (7): 2676-2684 FEB 19 2009
Li, X; Qian, J; Jiang, L; Jiang L; He SL, “Fluorescence quenching of quantum dots by gold nanorods and its application to DNA detection”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 94 (6): Art. No. 063111 FEB 9 2009
Dai, DX; Yang, B; Yang, L; Sheng Z; He SL, “Compact Microracetrack Resonator Devices Based on Small SU-8 Polymer Strip Waveguides”, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 21 (1-4): 254-256 JAN-FEB 2009
Tang, YB; Dai, DX; He, SL, “Proposal for a Grating Waveguide Serving as Both a Polarization Splitter and an Efficient Coupler for Silicon-on-Insulator Nanophotonic Circuits”, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 21 (1-4): 242-244 JAN-FEB 2009
Qian, J; Gharibi, A; He, SL, “Colloidal mesoporous silica nanoparticles with protoporphyrin IX encapsulated for photodynamic therapy”, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, 14 (1): Art. No. 014012 JAN-FEB 2009
Li, X; Jiang, L; Zhan, QQ; Qian J; He SL, “Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of polyelectrolyte-functionalized gold-nanoparticles for bio-sensing”, COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A, 332 (2-3): 172-179 JAN 15 2009
J. Qian, X. Li, M.Wei, X. Gao, Z. Xu, and S. He, “Bio-molecule-conjugated fluorescent organically modified silica nanoparticles as optical probes for cancer cell imaging,” Optics Express, Vol. 16, Iss. 24, pp. 19568–19578 (2008)
Wang BW, Jin Y, He SL, “Design of subwavelength corrugated metal waveguides for slow waves at terahertz frequencies,” APPLIED OPTICS, 47(21), 3694-3700, 2008
Jinlong He, Yi Jin, Zhi Hong, Sailing He, "Slow light in a dielectric waveguide with negative-refractive-index photonic crystal cladding." Optics Express, 16(15):11077, 2008
Li, X; Qian, J; He, SL, “Impact of the self-assembly of multilayer polyelectrolyte functionalized gold nanorods and its application to biosensing”, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 19 (35): Art. No. 355501, 2008
Daru Chen, Chester Shu, and Sailing He, “Multiple fiber Bragg grating interrogation based on a spectrum-limited Fourier domain mode-locking fiber laser”, Optics Letters, Vol. 33, Issue 13, pp. 1395-1397, 2008
Zhang P, Jin Y, He SL, ""Obtaining a nonsingular two-dimensional cloak of complex shape from a perfect three-dimensional cloak,"" APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 93(24), 243502, DEC 2008
Fang YT, He SL, "Transparent structure consisting of metamaterial layers and matching layers," PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78(2), 023813, AUG 2008
Zhang, P; Jin, Y; He, SL, “Cloaking an object on a dielectric half-space,” OPTICS EXPRESS, 16 (5): 3161-3166 MAR 3 2008
D. Dai, and S. He (review paper), “Ultrasmall integrated devices based on silicon nanowires for optical communications”, Journal of Nanophotonics, 2(021780), 30, January, 2008
Khan SN, Xiong J, He S, "Low profile and small size frequency notched planar monopole antenna from 3.5 to 23.64 ghz", MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 50(1), 235-236, JAN 2008
Gao, SM; He, SL, “Four-wave mixing in left-handed materials,” JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR OPTICAL PHYSICS & MATERIALS, 16 (4): 485-496 DEC 2007
Jiang, M; Guan, ZG; He, S, “Multiplexing scheme for self-interfering long-period fiber gratings using a low-coherence reflectometry,” IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 7 (11-12): 1663-1667 NOV-DEC 2007
Guan, ZG; Chen, D; He, SL, “Coherence multiplexing of distributed sensors based on pairs of fiber Bragg gratings of low reflectivity,” JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 25 (8): 2143-2148 AUG 2007
Chen, B; Guo, CJ; Chen, JJ; Zhang, LJ; Jiang, Q; He, SL, “Add/drop multiplexing and TDM signal transmission in an optical CDMA ring network,” JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING, 6 (8): 969-974 AUG 1 2007
Shi, LH; Gao, L; He, SL; Li, BW, “Superlens from metal-dielectric composites of nonspherical particle,” PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 76 (4): Art. No. 045116 JUL 2007
Luo, B; He, SL, “An improved Monte Carlo diffusion hybrid model for light reflectance by turbid media,” OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (10): 5905-5918 MAY 14 2007
Chen, DR; Qin, S; He, SL, “Channel-spacing-tunable multi-wavelength fiber ring laser with hybrid Raman and erbium-doped fiber gains,” OPTICS EXPRESS, 15 (3): 930-935 FEB 5 2007
Qin, S; Chen, DR; Tang, YB; He, SL, “Stable and uniform multi-wavelength fiber laser based on hybrid Raman and Erbium-doped fiber gains,” OPTICS EXPRESS, 14 (22): 10522-10527 OCT 30 2006
Wang L, He JJ, Song J, et al. ”Design and optimization of a novel InP-based monolithically integrated optical channel monitor,” JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 24 (10): 3743-3750 OCT 2006
Xianyu Ao, Liu Liu, Lech Wosinski, and Sailing He, “Polarization beam splitter based on a two-dimensional photonic crystal of pillar type,” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 89, 171115, 2006
Cai, YJ; He, SL, “Partially coherent flattened Gaussian beam and its paraxial propagation properties,” JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A, 23 (10): 2623-2628 OCT 2006
Chen JJ, Chen B, He SL, “Self-protection scheme against failures of distributed fiber links in an Ethernet passive optical network,” JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING 5 (9): 662-666 SEP 2006
Wang, F; Cai, YJ; He, SL, “Experimental observation of coincidence Fractional Fourier transform with a partially coherent beam,” OPTICS EXPRESS, 14 (16): 6999-7004 AUG 7 2006
Chen, B; Chen, JJ; He, SL, “Efficient and fine scheduling algorithm for bandwidth allocation in Ethernet passive optical networks,” IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 12 (4): 653-660 JUL-AUG 2006
Cai, YJ; He, SL, “Propagation of a partially coherent twisted anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model beam in a turbulent atmosphere,” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 89 (4): Art. No. 041117 JUL 24 2006
Cai, YJ; He, SL, “Propagation of hollow Gaussian beams through apertured paraxial optical systems,” JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A, 23 (6): 1410-1418 JUN 2006
He, JL; Yi, J; He, SL, “Giant negative Goos-Hanchen shifts for a photonic crystal with a negative effective index,” OPTICS EXPRESS, 14 (7): 3024-3029 APR 3 2006
Dai, D; Liu, L; Wosinski, L; He SL, “Design and fabrication of ultra-small overlapped AWG demultiplexer based on alpha-Si nanowire waveguides,” ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 42 (7): 400-402 MAR 30 2006
Guan, ZG; Zhang, AP; Jiang, M; et al., “Low-coherence interrogation scheme for multiplexed sensors based on long-period-grating Mach-Zehnder interferometers,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 18 (5-8): 832-834 MAR-APR 2006
Yu YC, Karlsson S, Liu CP, Schatz R, Westergren U, Kjebon O, Chuang CH, He SL, Thylen L, Krysa AB, Roberts JS, Seeds AJ, ”Enhanced linear dynamic range of asymmetric Fabry-Perot modulator/detector,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 18 (5-8): 770-772, MAR-APR 2006
Cai, YJ; He, SL, “Average intensity and spreading of an elliptical Gaussian beam propagating in a turbulent atmosphere,” OPTICS LETTERS, 31 (5): 568-570 MAR 1 2006
Cai, YJ; He, SL, “Propagation of various dark hollow beams in a turbulent atmosphere,” OPTICS EXPRESS, 14 (4): 1353-1367 FEB 20 2006
Chen, DR; Yu, ZW; Qin, S; et al., “Switchable dual-wavelength Raman erbium-doped fibre laser,” ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 42 (4): 202-204 FEB 16 2006
Lang, TT; He, JJ; He, SL, “Cross-order arrayed waveguide grating design for triplexers in fiber access networks,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 18 (1-4): 232-234 JAN-FEB 2006
Zhang, AP; Chen, XW; Yan, JH; He, SL., “Optimization and fabrication of stitched long-period gratings for gain flattening of ultrawide-band EDFAs,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 17 (12): 2559-2561 DEC 2005
Zhang, AP; Shao, LY; Ding, JF; He SL, “Sandwiched long-period gratings for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 17 (11): 2397-2399 NOV 2005
He, SL; Jin, Y; Ruan, ZC; Kuang JG, “On subwavelength and open resonators involving metamaterials of negative refraction index,” NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 7: Art. No. 210 OCT 2005
Chen, JJ; Chen, B; He SL, “A novel algorithm for intra-ONU bandwidth allocation in ethernet passive optical networks,” IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, 9 (9): 850-852 SEP 2005
Ao, XY; He SL, “Negative refraction of left-handed behavior in porous alumina with infiltrated silver at an optical wavelength,” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 87 (10): Art. No. 101112 SEP 5 2005
Ruan, ZC; He SL, “Open cavity formed by a photonic crystal with negative effective index of refraction,” OPTICS LETTERS, 30 (17): 2308-2310 SEP 2005
Liu, L; Han, ZH; He SL, “Novel surface plasmon waveguide for high integration,” OPTICS EXPRESS, 13 (17): 6645-6650 AUG 2005
Ao, XY; He SL, “Polarization beam splitters based on a two-dimensional photonic crystal of negative refraction,” OPTICS LETTERS, 30 (16): 2152-2154 AUG 2005
He, SL; Liao, R; Romanov V, “Explicit formulas for the identification of a small defect in a planar waveguide,” JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A, 22 (7): 1414-1419 JUL 2005
Jin, Y: He SL, “Focusing by a slab of chiral medium,” OPTICS EXPRESS 13 (13): 4974-4979 JUN 2005
Ding, JF; Zhang, AP; Shao, LY; Yan JH; He SL, “Fiber-taper seeded long-period grating pair as a highly sensitive refractive-index sensors,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 17 (6): 1247-1249 JUN 2005
Shi, ZM; He, HJ; He SL, “A hybrid diffraction method for the design of etched diffraction grating demultiplexers,” JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 23 (3): 1426-1434 MAR 2005
Xiao, YY; He SL, “An MMI-based demultiplexer with reduced cross-talk,” OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 247 (4-6): 335-339 MAR 15 2005
Liu, L.; Sailing He, “Design of metal-cladded near-field fiber probes with a dispersive body-of-revolution finite-difference time-domain method,” Applied Optics, 44(17), 3429-3437, 2005
He, JL; He, SL, “Slow propagation of electromagnetic waves in a dielectric slab waveguide with a left-handed material substrate,” IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS, 16 (2): 96-98 FEB 2006
Song, J; He, JJ; He, SL, “Polarization performance analysis of etched diffraction grating demultiplexer using boundary element method,” IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 11 (1): 224-231 JAN-FEB 2005
Zhang, AP; Chen, XW; Guan, ZG; He, SL; Tam, HY; Chung, WH, “Optimization of step-changed long-period gratings for gain-flattening of EDFAs,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 17 (1): 121-123 JAN 2005
Ruan, ZC; Qiu, M; Xiao, SS; He, SL; Thylen, L, “Coupling between plane waves and Bloch waves in photonic crystals with negative refraction,” PHYSICAL REVIEW B 71 (4): art. no.-045111 JAN 2005
Ao, XY; He, SL, “Subwavelength focusing and imaging by a multimode optical waveguide,” OPTICS LETTERS, 29 (24): 2864-2866 DEC 15 2004
Dai, DX; He, SL, “Accurate two-dimensional model of an arrayed-waveguide grating demultiplexer and optimal design based on the reciprocity theory,” JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A, 21 (12): 2392-2398 DEC 2004
Xiao, SS; Qiu, M; Ruan, ZC; , He SL, “Influence of the surface termination to the point imaging by a photonic crystal slab with negative refraction,” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 85 (19): 4269-4271 NOV 8 2004
Ao, XY; He, SL, “Three-dimensional photonic crystal of negative refraction achieved by interference lithography,” OPTICS LETTERS, 29 (21): 2542-2544 NOV 1 2004
Liu, L; He, SL, “Near-field optical storage system using a solid immersion lens with a left-handed material slab,” OPTICS EXPRESS, 12 (20): 4835-4840 OCT 4 2004
Shen, JQ; Ruan, ZC; He, SL, “Influence of the signal light on the transient optical properties of a four-level EIT medium,” PHYSICS LETTERS A, 330 (6): 487-495 OCT 4 2004
He, SL; Ruan, ZC; Chen, L; et al., “Focusing properties of a photonic crystal slab with negative refraction,” PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 70 (11): Art. No. 115113 SEP 2004
Zhang, XL; Shao, LY; Yu, ZW; Cheng DR; Jin RX; He SL, “Automatic real-time control for gain-flattened fiber Raman amplifiers,” OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 239 (1-3): 79-84 SEP 1 2004
Shi, ZM; He, JJ; He, SL, “Waveguide echelle grating with low polarization-dependent loss using single-side metal-coated grooves,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 16 (8): 1885-1887 AUG 2004
Liu, L; Shi, ZM; He, SL, “Analysis of the polarization-dependent diffraction from a metallic grating by use of a three-dimensional combined vectorial method,” JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A, 21 (8): 1545-1552 AUG 2004
Shi, ZM; He, JJ; He, SL, “Analysis and design of a concave diffraction grating with total-internal-reflection facets by a hybrid diffraction method,” JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A, 21 (7): 1198-1206 JUL 2004
Wang, Q; He, JJ; He, SL, “Y-branch spot-size converter for a buried silica waveguide with large index difference,” APPLIED OPTICS, 43 (16): 3315-3318 JUN 1 2004
Lu, X; Chen, J; He, S, “Wavelength assignment method for WDM network of star topology,” ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 40 (10): 625-626 MAY 13 2004
Song, J; Pang, DQ; He, SL, “A MoM-based design and simulation method for an etched diffraction grating demultiplexer,” OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 233 (4-6): 363-371 APR 1 2004
Ao, XY; He, SL, “Two-stage design method for realization of photonic bandgap structures with desired symmetries by interference lithography,” OPTICS EXPRESS, 12 (6): 978-983 MAR 22 2004
Shen, LF; He, SL; Xiao, SS, “Stability and quality factor of a one-dimensional subwavelength cavity resonator containing a left-handed material,” PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 69 (11): Art. No. 115111 MAR 2004
Chen, L; He, SL; Shen, LF, “Finite-size effects of a left-handed material slab on the image quality,” PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 92 (10): Art. No. 107404 MAR 12 2004
Dai, DX; He, SL, “Analysis of the birefringence of a silicon-on-insulator rib waveguide,” APPLIED OPTICS, 43 (5): 1156-1161 FEB 10 2004
He, SL; Xu, J; Romanov, VG, “A simple analytical method for calculating the leakage loss of a buried rectangular waveguide,” JOURNAL OF OPTICS A, 6 (1): 57-62 JAN 2004
Xiao, SS; Shen, LF; He, SL, “A novel directional coupler utilizing a left-handed material,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 16 (1): 171-173 JAN 2004
Dai, DX; He, SL, “Analysis of characteristics of bent rib waveguides,” JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A, 21 (1): 113-121 JAN 2004
Tong, LM; Gattass, RR; Ashcom, JB; He, SL; et al., “Subwavelength-diameter silica wires for low-loss optical wave guiding,” NATURE, 426 (6968): 816-819 DEC 18 2003
Simovski, CR; Belov, PA; He, SL, “Backward wave region and negative material parameters of a structure formed by lattices of wires and split-ring resonators,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, 51 (10): 2582-2591 Part 1 OCT 2003
Shi, ZM; He, HJ; He, SL, “An analytic method for designing passband flattened DWDM demultiplexers using spatial phase modulation,” JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 21 (10): 2314-2321 OCT 2003
Wang, Q; He, SL, “Optimal design of a flat-top interleaver based on cascaded M-Z interferometers by using a genetic algorithm,” OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 224 (4-6): 229-236 SEP 1 2003
Wang, Q; He, SL, “A simple, fast and accurate method of designing directional couplers by evaluating the phase difference of local supermodes,” JOURNAL OF OPTICS A, 5 (5): 449-452 SEP 2003
He, SL; Ao, XY; Romanov, V, “General properties of N x M self-images in a strongly confined rectangular waveguide,” APPLIED OPTICS, 42 (24): 4855-4859 AUG 20 2003
Lu, J; He, SL; Romanov, VG, “Study of the leakage loss in a silica-on-silicon slab waveguide,” FIBER AND INTEGRATED OPTICS, 22 (4): 249-261 JUL-AUG 2003
Shen LF, Ye Z, He S, “Design of two-dimensional photonic crystals with large absolute band gaps using a genetic algorithm”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 68(3), 035109, JUL 15, 2003
Wang GY, He SL, “A quantitative study on detection and estimation of weak signals by using chaotic Duffing oscillators”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I, 50(7): 945-953, JUL 2003
Wu, L; He, SL; Shen, LF, “Band structure for a one-dimensional photonic crystal containing left-handed materials,” PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 67 (23): art. no.-235103 JUN 15 2003
Wu, L; He, SL; Chen, L, “On unusual narrow transmission bands for a multi-layered periodic structure containing left-handed materials,” OPTICS EXPRESS, 11 (11): 1283-1290 JUN 2 2003
Simovski, CR; He, SL, “Frequency range and explicit expressions for negative permittivity and permeability for an isotropic medium formed by a lattice of perfectly conducting Omega particles,” PHYSICS LETTERS A, 311 (2-3): 254-263 MAY 12 2003
J. Lu and Sailing He, "Numerical Study of a Gaussian Beam Propagating in Media with Negative Permittivity and Permeability by Using a Bidirectional Beam Propagation Method”, Microwave Opt. Techn. Lett., vol. 37,No.4, 292-296, 2003
L. Shen and Sailing He, “Studies of the imaging characteristics for a slab of a lossy left-handed material”, Phys. Lett. A, vol. 309, No. 3-4, 298-305, 2003
L. Wu, F. Zhuang, and Sailing He, “Degeneracy analysis for a super cell of a photonic crystal and its application to the creation of band gaps”, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 67, No. 2, art. no. 026612, 2003
Q. Wang and Sailing He and F.R. Chen, "An effective and accurate method for the design of directional couplers", IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT 8 (6): 1233-1238 NOV-DEC 2002
Z. Shi and Sailing He, "A Three-Focal-Point Method for the Optimal Design of a Flat-Top Planar Waveguide Demultiplexer", IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT 8 (6): 1179-1185 NOV-DEC 2002
D. Dai, S. Liu, Sailing He and Q. Zhou, “ Optimal design of an MMI coupler for broadening the spectral response of an AWG demultiplexer” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 20, Iss. 11, pp. 1957-1961, Nov 2002
Wang Q; Lu J; He SL, “Optimal design method of a low-loss broadband Y branch with a multimode waveguide section”, Appl. Opt., Vol 41, Iss 36, pp 7644-7649, 2002
Sailing He, Hang Zhang and Vladimir G. Romanov, “Explicit identification of multiple small breast cancers in a mammography”, Inverse Problems, vol. 18, 1555–1567, 2002
Shen LF; He SL; Xiao SS, “Large absolute band gaps in two-dimensional photonic crystals formed by large dielectric pixels”, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 66, Iss. 16, 165315, 2002
Wang Q; He SL; Wang LR, “A low-loss Y-branch with a multimode waveguide transition section”, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOL. LETT., Vol. 14, Iss. 8, pp 1124-1126, 2002
Wu L; He SL, “Revised finite-difference time-domain algorithm in a nonorthogonal coordinate system and its application to the computation of the band structure of a photonic crystal”, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 91, Iss. 10, pp 6499-6506, 2002
Shen LF; He SL, “Analysis for the convergence problem of the plane-wave expansion method for photonic crystals”, J. Opt. Soc. AM. A, Vol. 19, Iss 5, pp 1021-1024, 2002
Shen LF; He SL; Xiao SS, “A finite-difference eigenvalue algorithm for calculating the band structure of a photonic crystal”, COMPUTER PHYS. COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 143, Iss 3, pp 213-221, 2002
Wang GY, Zheng W, He S, “Estimation of amplitude and phase of a weak signal by using the property of sensitive dependence on initial conditions of a nonlinear oscillator”, Signal Processing, Vol. 82, Iss 1, pp 103-115, 2002
He SL; Xiao SS; Shen LF; He JP; Fu J, “A new finite-difference time-domain method for photonic crystals consisting of nearly-free-electron metals”, J. Phys. A, Vol. 34, Iss 45, pp 9713-9721, 2001
Wang Q; He SL; Yu FH; Huang NR, “Iterative finite-difference method for calculating the distribution of a liquid-crystal director”, Opt. Engineering, Vol. 40, Iss 11, pp 2552-2557, 2001
Yokota M; He S; Takenaka T,” Scattering of a Hermite-Gaussian beam field by a chiral sphere”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol. 18, Iss 7, pp 1681-1689, 2001
Qiu M, He SL,” High-directivity patch antenna with both photonic bandgap substrate and photonic bandgap cover”, Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett., Vol 30, Iss 1, pp 41-44, 2001
Qiu M; He SL, “Surface modes in two-dimensional dielectric and metallic photonic band gap structures: a FDTD study “, Phys Lett. A, Vol 282, Iss 1-2, pp 85-91, 2001
Qiu M, He SL, “FDTD algorithm for computing the off-plane band structure in a two-dimensional photonic crystal with dielectric or metallic inclusions”, Phys. Lett.A, Vol 278, Iss 6, pp 348-354, 2001
V. G. Romanov and S. He, “Uniqueness theorems for a mammography inverse problem for the diffusion equation in the frequency domain”, J. Inv. Ill-posed Problems, Vol.8, No.5, 561-571, 2000
C.R. Simovski, M. Kondratiev and S. He, ""An explicit method for calculating the reflection from an anti-reflection structure involving an array of C-shaped wire elements"", J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol 14, Iss 10, 1335-1352, 2000
S. He, M. Popov, M. Qiu and S. He,C. R. Simovski, "The influence of the dielectricair interface on the radiation pattern of an antenna in a metallic photonic bandgap structure in a dielectric host medium”, Microwave Opt. Techn. Lett, Vol 26, Iss 6, pp 367-371, 2000
Z.Q.Meng, T. Takenaka and S. He, ”A genetic algorithm with an adaptive chromosome structure for reconstruction of radome parameters using a Gaussian beam”, Microwave Opt. Techn. Lett., vol. 25, no. 5, 323-326, 2000
C. Simovski, M. Popov and S. He, "On the dielectric properties of a thin film with a few molecular layers”, Physical Review B, Vol 62, Iss 20, 13718-13730, 2000
M. Popov, S. He and R. Thottappillil, "Reconstruction of lightning currents and return stroke model parameters using remote electromagnetic fields", J. Geophys. Research, Vol 105, Iss D19, 24469-24481, 2000
S. He, C. R. Simovski and M. Popov,""An Explicit and Efficient Method for Obtaining the Radiation Characteristics of Wire Antennas in Metallic Photonic Bandgap Structures,"" Microwave Opt. Techn. Lett., Vol. 22, No. 2, 67-73, 2000
M. Popov and S. He, "Identification of a transient electric dipole over a conducting half-space using a simulated annealing algorithm," J. Geophys. Research, Vol 105, Iss D16, 20821-20831, 2000
M.Qiu and S. He, “A nonorthogonal FDTD method for computing the band structure of a two-dimensional photonic crystal with dielectric and metalllic inclusions”, Journal of Applied physics, vol. 87, no. 12, 8268-8275, 2000
C.R. Simovski, M. Kondratiev and S. He, ”Array of C-shaped wire elements for the reduction of reflection from a conducting plane”, Microwave Opt. Techn. Lett., vol. 25, no. 5, 302-307, 2000
V.G. Romanov and S. He, “Some uniqueness theorems for mammography-related time-domain inverse problems for the diffusion equation,” Inverse Problems, vol. 16, no. 2, 447-459, 2000
M. Qiu and S. He, "Guided modes in a two-dimensional metallic photonic crystal waveguide", Phys. Lett. A., Vol. 266, No.4-6,425-429, 2000
S. He, M. Popov, M. Qiu and C. R. Simovski, "An explicit method for the analysis of guided waves in a line defect channel in a photonic crystal", Microwave Opt. Techn. Lett., vol. 25, no. 4, 236-240, 2000
M. Qiu and S. He, "A nNumerical method for computing defect modes in two dimensional photonic crystals with dielectric or metallic inclusions", Physical Review B, 61(19), 12871-12876, 2000
C. Icheln, M. Popov, P. Vainikainen and S. He, "Optimal reduction of the influence of RF feed cables on small antenna measurements”, Microwave Opt. Techn. Lett., Vol 25, Iss 3, 194-196, 2000
M. Qiu and S. He, "Optimal design of a two-dimensional photonic crystal of square lattice with a large complete two-dimensional band gap", J. Opt. Soc. Am., B. Vol.17,No.6, 1027-1030, 2000
C. Simovski, M. Qiu and S. He, "Averaged field approach for obtaining the band structure of a photonic crystal with conducting inclusions”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications , vol. 14, 449-468, 2000
S. He, M. Popov, and V. G. Romanov, "Localization of discharge in the atmosphere from transient electromagnetic fields”, Radio Science, vol. 35, no. 1, 107-117, 2000
S. He, M. Qiu, and C. Simovski, "An averaged field approach for obtaining the band structure of a photonic crystal with small inclusions”, J. Phys. (Cond. Matt.) vol. 20, 99-112, 2000
M. Norgren and S.He, "An exact and explicit solution to a class of degaussing problem”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics , vol.36, no.1-2, 308-312,2000
M. Gustafsson and S. He, "An optimization approach to multi-dimensional timedomainacoustic inverse problems", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 108(4), 1548-1556, 2000
M. Gustafsson and S. He, "An optimization approach to two-dimensional time domain electromagnetic inverse problems", Radio Sciences, 35(2), 525-536, 2000
S. He and M. Norgren, "Magnetostatic image and its application to an analytic identification of a current dipole inside a conducting sphere", IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 47, no.2, 183-191,2000
C. Simovski and S. He, "A rapidly convergent expansion method for calculating the effective conductivity of 3D lattices of symmetric inclusions”, J. Appl. Phys., 86(7), 3773-3779, 1999
M. Qiu and S. He, "Large Complete Band Gap in 2D Photonic Crystals With Elliptic Air Holes”, Physical Review B, vol. 60, no. 15, 10610-10612, 1999
M. Gustafsson and S. He, "A wave-splitting based optimization approach to multidimensional time-domain electromagnetic inverse problems", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 50, 541-551, 1999
S. He and V. H. Weston, "Wave-splitting and absorbing boundary condition for Maxwell's equations on a curved surface", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,vol. 50, 435-455, 1999
M. Popov and S. He, "Electromagnetic direct and inverse problems for a surfacebreaking crack in a conductor at a high frequency", J. Appl. Phys., 86( 7), 3997-4003, 1999
S. He and V. G. Romanov, "Identification of small flaws in conductors using magnetostatic measurements", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 50, 457-471, 1999
M. Norgren and S. He, "A gradient-based optimization approach to the inverse problem for multi-layered structures", Int. Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 10, 315-335, 1999
S. He and V. G. Romanov, "Some explicit formulas for crack identification in conductors using boundary measurements of direct current fields", J. Appl. Phys., 85(9), 6822-6827, 1999
S. He, M. Norgren, and T. Takenaka, "Trace formalism and explicit gradients for parameter reconstruction of a stratified bianisotropic slab", J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 13, 631-647, 1999
J. Cao, S. He, and V. H. Weston, "Layer-stripping and Parameter reconstruction for a hyperbolic equation in a three-dimensional inhomogeneous half-space", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 50, 511-525, 1999
T. Tanaka, T.Takenaka, and S. He, "A FDTD approach to time-domain inverse cattering problem for an inhomogeneous cylindrical object", Microwave Opt. Techn. Lett., 20(1), 72-77, 1999
H. Ammari and S. He, "An on-surface radiation condition for Maxwell's equations in three dimensions", Microwave Opt. Techn. Lett., 19(1), 59-63, 1998
S. He and J. Cao, "Scattering from a bi-isotropic object of arbitrary shape”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol.12, 1547-1574, 1998
S. He, "Frequency series expansion of an explicit solution for a dipole inside a conducting sphere at low frequency", IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, 45(10), 1249-1258, 1998
H. Ammari and S. He, "Effective impedance boundary conditions for an inhomogeneous thin layer on a curved metallic surface", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., 46(5), 710-715, May 1998
S. He and V. G. Romanov, "Identification of current sources in a bounded domain for Maxwell's equations", Wave Motion, vol. 28, 25-40, 1998
S. He, "Electromagnetic surface waves for some artificial bianisotropic media", J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 12, 449-466, 1998
S. He and T. Takenaka , "A generalized propagation matrix for a two-dimensional inhomogeneous thin layer”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 12, 1053-1081, 1998
T. Takenaka, T. Tanaka, H. Harada, and S. He, “FDTD approach to time-domain inverse scattering problem for stratified lossy media", Microwave Opt. Techn. Lett., 16(5), 292-296, 1997
H. Ammari and S. He, "Homogenization and scattering for gratings", J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 11, 1669-1683, 1997
M. Norgren and S. He, "On the possibility of a reflectionless coating of a homogeneous bianisotropic layer on a perfect conductor", Electromagnetics, 17(4), 295-307, 1997
S. He, "Wave-splitting approach to a scattering problem for a laterally periodic inhomogeneous structure", J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 11, 633-644, 1997
S. He, "A closed-form formula for scattering coefficients for a lossy multi-layered structure", Microwave Opt. Techn. Lett., 14(3), 159-163, 1997
J. Lundstedt and S. He, "Time domain direct and inverse problems for a nonuniform LCRG line with internal sources", IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat. 39(2), 79-88, 1997
S. He and S. Ström, "Time-domain wave-splitting and propagation in dispersive media", J. Opt. Soc. Am. 13(11), 2200-2207, 1996
M. Norgren and S. He, "An optimization approach to the frequency-domain inverse problem for a nonuniform LCRG transmission line", IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, 44 (8), 1503-1507, 1996
S. He, P. Fuks and G. Larson, "An optimization approach to time-domain electromagnetic inverse problem for a stratified dispersive and dissipative slab", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., 44(9), 1277-1282, 1996
S. He, "An explicit time-domain solution for the reflection from a stratified acoustic half-space obtained by the boundary control method", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 99(5), 2714-2719, 1996
J. Lundstedt and S. He, "A time-domain optimization technique for the simultaneous reconstruction of the characteristic impedance, resistance and conductance of a transmission line", J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 10(4), 581-601, 1996
J. Cao and S. He, "An exact absorbing boundary condition and its application to 3D scattering from thin dispersive structures", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 99(4), 1854-1861, 1996
S. He and S. I. Kabanikhin, "An optimization approach to the three-dimensional acoustic inverse problem in the time-domain", J. Math. Phys., 36(8), 4028-4042,1995
M. Norgren and S. He, "Reconstruction of the constitutive parameters for an Omega material in a rectangular waveguide", IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, 43(6), 1315-1321, 1995
S. He and S. Ström, "Time-domain propagating modes in a finitely conducting half-space and calculation of the transient reflection", IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., 37(2), 277-282, 1995
M. Norgren and S. He, "General scheme for the electromagnetic reflection and transmission for composite structures of complex materials", IEE Proc. Microwaves Antennas Propag., 142(1), 52-56, 1995
S. He, "Closed-form solution for the lossy exponential transmission line problem in the frequency and the time domain", J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 9(4), 521-541, 1995
S. He and V. H. Weston, "Determination of the permittivity and conductivity in R3 using wave-splitting of Maxwell equations", J. Math. Phys. 36(4), 1776-1789, 1995
M. Norgren and S. He, "Electromagnetic reflection and transmission for a dielectric-Omega interface and an Omega slab", Int. J. Infrared MM Waves, 15(9), 1537-1554, 1994
J. Lundstedt and S. He, "Signal restoration after transmission through a nonuniform LCRG line", IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, 42(11), 2087-2092, 1994
S. He, S. I. Kabanikhin, V. G. Romanov and S. Ström, "Analysis of the Green function approach to one-dimensional inverse problems. Part I: One parameter reconstruction", J. Math. Phys., 34(12), 5724-5746, 1993
S. He, "A "compact Green function" approach to the time-domain direct and inverse problems for a stratified dissipative slab," J. Math. Phys. 34(10), 4628-4645, 1993
S. He, "Wave propagation through a dielectric-uniaxial bianisotropic interface and computation of Brewster angles", J. Opt. Soc. Am., A, 10(11), 2402-2409, 1993
S. He and I. V. Lindell, "Propagating eigenmodes for plane waves in a uniaxial bianisotropic medium and reflection from a planar interface", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 41(12), 1659-1664, 1993
S. He and Y. Hu, "Electromagnetic scattering for a stratified bi-isotropic slab: numerical calculations", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 41(8), 1057-1062, 1993
S. He and A. Karlsson, "Time domain Green functions technique for a point source over a dissipative stratified half-space," Radio Science, 28(4), 513-526, 1993
S. He, "A time-harmonic Green functions technique and wave propagation in a stratified nonreciprocal chiral slab with multiple discontinuities," J. Math. Phys. 33(12), 4103-4110, 1992
S. He and S. Ström, "Time domain wave splitting approach to transmission along a nonuniform LCRG line," J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 6(8), 995-1014, 1992
S. He and V. H. Weston, "Inverse problem for the dissipative wave equation in a stratified half-space and linearization of the imbedding equation," Inverse Problems, 8(3), 435-455, 1992
S. He, "Factorization of a dissipative wave equation and the Green functions technique for axially symmetric fields in a stratified slab," J. Math. Phys., 33(3), 953-966, 1992
S. He and S. Ström, "The electromagnetic scattering problem in the time domain for a dissipative slab and a point source using invariant imbedding", J. Math. Phys., 32(12), 529-3539, 1991