飞利浦研究员Cees Ronda教授来访紫金光电
2015年11月,浙江大学-飞利浦战略合作框架协议、浙江大学-飞利浦-埃因霍温理工大学“智慧之桥计划第三期”签约仪式在浙江大学紫金港校区圆满举行。作为智慧之桥计划子项目,飞利浦(荷兰)将与浙大光及电磁波研究中心开展为期两年的花粉气溶胶检测的研究合作。2016年1月19日,飞利浦研究员Cees Ronda教授来访紫金光电,并做了题为《空气污染的全球污染现状、来源、及空气质量研究》(Lecture on Air quality; Introduction to air purification; Origin of air pollution, air pollution world-wide; Air quality indices.)的讲座。
Cees Ronda教授首先与光谱组的同学进行了实验进展的交流,大家对近期的实验的结果进行了讨论,指出实验值得修改的地方。基于最近的实验结果,明确下一阶段的实验方向,确定预期成果。
之后Cees Ronda教授与下午15点开始《空气污染的全球污染现状、来源、及空气质量研究》的系列讲座。讲座内容围绕着空气污染展开,从空气污染源、空气污染与健康、空气污染评价指标以及控制污染的方法几个主题切入。讲座着重强调了室内污染的原因和影响,指出长期被人们所忽视的室内空气污染状况。介绍了主要的污染源,包括空气中的细菌病毒等微生物,还有各种微量有毒有害放射性气体,以及广泛存在的空气中微小颗粒。讲座的最后,Cees Ronda教授谈及HEPA等空气过滤装置的原理和使用状况。
Prof. Dr. Cees Ronda, Research Fellow (Philips Research Aachen, Germany)
Cees started working with Philips Research since 1986. He is a materials scientist with wide ranging experience in luminescent materials based on a solid theoretical background. He has made important contributions to the development of improved and novel luminescent materials for lamps, LEDs and solar cells, displays and medical applications. Cees has also worked on the understanding of Hg-consumption mechanisms in fluorescent lamps and he has contributed to a more fundamental understanding of electrode operation in fluorescent lamps. In recent years, he has increased the scope of his research interests to include ‘water and air’, aiming at finding solutions to improve the quality of the water people drink and the air people breathe. Projects he has worked on resulted in products such as: Phosphors for Sun tanning Lamps and LEDs, ‘My Reading Light’ and Scintillators.
In 2005, Cees received the Pannenborg Award, in honour of his major contributions to Philips and Philips Research. He has also been granted numerous Innovation Awards over the years.
Cees was also a prime mover in developing the BrainBridge, helping to set up a research co-operation between the Zhejiang University in Hangzhou (China), TU-Eindhoven and Philips Research. He is currently chairman of the program committee that steers the research activities of the BrainBridge.